Tuesday, December 19, 2006

TMO Christmas Podcast (Dec. 19)

Who said that Christmas had to be sounding the same all the time? We dug up a few holiday favourites that were, ehm, spruced up a little, enjoy a different take on tradition and HEAVY HOLIDAYS!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

TMO Music Podcast (Dec 12)

This week you will get brand new stuff from Melechesh, Catamenia, Horrorscope and Elis as well as some promising new bands and another cool cover version, you cannot miss this!

Friday, December 08, 2006

TMO Music Podcast (Dec 5)

Doom, Death, Black, Power, Viking, some more Doom and more - you only get this at TMO, be it brand new stuff by established acts like SWALLOW THE SUN up to up and coming bands like IKUINEN KAAMOS or DISTORTED, this will give you all you need!